
Showing posts from May, 2015

Mazuma Review: The EASIEST Way To Manage Your Business Finances

Mazuma Review: The EASIEST Way To Manage Your Business Finances Three weeks ago was a sad week for entrepreneurs throughout America. It was Wednesday, tax filing day; and many of us had to go through the awful experience of writing a big, fat check to Uncle Sam. Yayyy! As we, temporarily, leave grim times behind us, I have a confession to make – I’m TERRIBLE at managing my finances. I do believe, however, that it’s extremely important to be on top of your business (and personal) finances. In an attempt to improve my finances, I decided to take an accounting class from . As a result, I understand accounting principles better than before. But here’s the problem – I haven’t done ANYTHING about it. This has lead me to a realization. If I’m to get on top of my business finances, I need help. While I do know entrepreneurs who are extremely successful, do their own bookkeeping and accounting, I know that I am not that kind of person. Working on finan

215 How To Find And Use Awesome Photos For Your Blog Posts

215 How To Find And Use Awesome Photos For Your Blog Posts The internet has come a long way over the years. Initially, it was all text. Today, it serves as a  visual platform . Pictures and videos dominate the time spent online. If we land on a blog post and encounter text with few images, we re-evaluate our decision to read the article. When articles are shared on Facebook, they emphasize images because publishers know it will increase the likelihood of someone clicking over to the associated article. When an image is shared with a link on Twitter, people are more likely to click. Whether on my blog, in my videos or in any other content I create, I make sure to incorporate visuals, and try to make them as vibrant as possible. Take home message –  Images are important , and if you’re a blogger, you want to use pictures to help  hook your audience and convey your message . Conveying the right message In considering the types of visuals that will help convey

216 How To Get Your Spouse On Board With Your Blogging Business

216 How To Get Your Spouse On Board With Your Blogging Business Entrepreneurs are crazy people. Think about it. From the time we are born and initiated into society, the average person is indoctrinated with the idea that to live the “good life”, you need to go to school, get good grades, get a good job and work your way to the top. Along with that good job come a number of things that are generally important to the average person. Things like a stable and predictable income, health insurance and maybe even a retirement account give us a sense of security. Also, if we work for an established institution, we can be relatively confident that it’ll be around for a while. Then there are entrepreneurs. People who decide to go against the norm, venture out on their own – often with no real sense of security. Entrepreneurs are the risk takers, and in some cases, they are successful. However, the reality is that  most businesses fail in the first 18 months . Yes, it’

Paypal vs. Gumroad vs. Stripe – The Battle of The Payment Processors

Paypal vs. Gumroad vs. Stripe – The Battle of The Payment Processors   If you’re  building an online business  where people are paying for products or services, you’re going to need a  payment processor . Nobody is going to show up at your office or home and hand you cash. In fact, many of your customers are probably sitting at home in their jammies making purchases. There are tons of payment processing services out there and it can be overwhelming to figure out  the best choice for each situation. I’ve done a lot of research on this topic and have narrowed my findings down to three payment processing solutions; and I use all three for different purposes. In this article, I’m going to discuss the pros and cons of  Paypal , Gumroad  and  Stripe  and explain how each works best for different scenarios.  Let’s do this. PayPal Whether you like them or not, PayPal is the Godfather of payment processing; one of the first to come on the scene. When people think about onl