5 Tips For Back To School Shopping On A Budget
5 Tips For Back To School Shopping On A Budget It's almost that time of the year again: back to school! Parents can't wait for it, while kids frown at the thought of it. Whether you're sending your children back to school or going back yourself, one of biggest tasks on your to-do list is back to school shopping. While back-to-school shopping can be fun, it can also be quite stressful, as there's a lot you or your child is going to need to have a successful year ahead. The cost of supplies can add up quickly too. Here are 5 budget friendly tips for back to school shopping: Ask for a shopping list Have a game plan before you even start shopping. It's easy to waste money on things you don't need. Ask your school or your child's teacher for a shopping list. If they don't already have one prepared (and most will be prepared), they can at least provide you guidance on what to buy. It will make things much easier for you and take the guess work out of shopping....