Best Online Savings Account List Updated November 2016
"Find the best high yield online savings account" is always my advice when people ask me for recommendations on where to park their money allocated for possible short term use. These high yield online savings accounts have: Liquidity and Flexibility – Money is accessible right away via online transfers (available usually in 2 business days) Safety – FDIC insured (bullet proof) High Yield with Good Rates – Pretty much the highest return on your money for the safety that it provides right now. Many institutions are reducing their once high yields down to levels that are close to zero, but some online savings accounts are still offering rates that are worth the effort to seek out . If you have cash sitting somewhere not collecting interests, you ought to look at these high yield accounts as an investment vehicle that's virtually bulletproof. Here are a few that I have personal experience with and feel comfortable recommending. This list is up to date as of November 2...