How to MUNCH on your Symbian Phone like a BlackBerry user

Well, Well, Well…. Here we come again….. This might be old to some peeps out there but new to some other peeps… Some of my friends on 2go has been asking me to teach them how I snapshot and have a MUNCH background like Blackberry Users… Sometime Last week, I screen snapped a my phone background last week and uploaded it on 2go.. Then a girl friend of mine asked me of my BB pin.. I answered her that i don’tuse BB. She called me a liar and asked how then did i Have a munch Background on my Snapshot… Then i laughed her and said ‘well, its my small Nokia E63.. I don’t use BlackBerry’ Lol… I’ve taken much of your Time… Ok na… Let go into action and leave Talks… For This Tutorial, You’ll need Xplore… Download HERE if you don’t have one on your phone You’ll also need the Main item for The Tutorial which is Super ScreenSnap.. Download it HERE After Downloading The Items Above, Proceed to The Next Stage… * Locate Your Super ScreenSnap You Downloaded above with Xplore, You’ll See Three Files In It… * Extract them to a different Folder. * Install The Super ScreenSnap to Either YourPhone Memory or Memory Card (Note whereu installed it) * After Installation, use your Xplore and locate the folder u extracted the Files from super screensnsp, get the Resolution For your phone i.e whether 240×320 or 320×240 open the file that has your screen resolution, Extract the File With Name “WaterMark.mbm” then locate where u installed The Super ScreenSnap.. Example: If you installed it to ur phone Memory, locate to “C:/data/SuperScreenshot” but if u installed it to Your Memory Card, locate “E:/data/SuperScreenshot” then paste it there, and overwrite the existing WaterMark.. * After That, Exit your Xplore, Goto installations and open your newly installed Super Screensnap, make the necessary settings and enjoy MUNCHING Below is my Facebook profile that I munched


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