Forgiveness and Consequences
Forgiveness and Consequences Print Page By Dr. Charles Stanley editted by ehijoshua The apostle Paul wrote, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap" ( Gal. 6:7 ). As familiar as we are with this cause-and-effect relationship, there is still some confusion about how it fits with the forgiveness of God. After receiving divine mercy, some believers expect the Father to miraculously erase the cost of their sinful choices. When that doesn't happen, they may start to wonder, Did God really forgive me? Does He truly love me if I'm still suffering? So the question in their mind is, Should Christians who have been forgiven by their Creator have to endure the results of their sin? The answer is, "Yes, sometimes." Forgiveness and consequences are not opposite ends of a spectrum. Together, they establish an essential part of the Lord's...