Zoom Video Conferencing App

Created by engineer Eric Yuan in 2011 and listed on the Nasdaq a year ago, Zoom has seen its market value skyrocket to some $35 billion.

Yuan has spoken of a passion for communication technologies that dates back to the 1990s when, as a university student in mainland China, he longed for a way to see his girlfriend without needing to travel hours by train.

Zoom hit the market as a tool for people working apart to collaborate on business, competing with offerings from the likes of Microsoft, Facebook, Google and others.
Zoom, Your Best Bet

As people around the world stay home due to coronavirus risk, Zoom has become a go-to service for remote education, exercise classes, poker games, church services and happy hour celebrations.

Couples have gotten married in “zoomed” ceremonies. Birthdays have been celebrated. Funerals have been virtually attended.

“It’s really easy to use, and free; that’s nice,” said US school teacher Justin Minkel, who instructs students remotely using Zoom.“ Just click a link.”

Home chaos such as dogs barking or outbursts from siblings can be disruptive, but Minkel cures that by “muting” students’ microphones until he needs to hear them.

According to Yuan, the number of people taking part in Zoom meetings daily has climbed to over 300 million, up from just 10 million at the end of last year.

Video calls have surged on all messaging platforms including WhatsApp, Messenger, and Google Hangouts, but Zoom has become a super star.

How Zoom Works

It lets as many as 100 people simultaneously attend a video-conference, allowing 40 minutes free and then charging for premium accounts that provide more time and features for $15 monthly.

Zoom lifted the 40-minute limit on free accounts for teachers in an array of countries.

Among Zo0m settings is an option to chose a backdrop image, such as the Golden Gate Bridge or tropical beach, hiding what is really behind a user.

Zo0m has implemented a 90-day feature freeze to fix privacy issues, and the company is releasing Z0om 5.0 this week to address some of the concerns. Zoom 5.0 includes passwords by default, improved encryption, and a new security icon to control meetings.

What are your thoughts about Zoom?


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