Top 5 Apps Every iPhone User Must have

Your iPhone could just turn out to be a liability if the right apps are not installed on it. Every iPhone user must understand that a new iPhone is almost an empty box and more or less useless; what makes it valuable and different from other empty boxes is the type of app you add to the phone. There are top 5 apps every iPhone user must have in order to make a difference.

I know you might just be asking yourself, what makes these apps great? Every phone user has his/her personal opinion regarding what app to add to their phone, no doubt. But these five apps are almost indispensable to you because they are not just there to make up the number; they add real value to your iPhone.

The top 5 apps iPhone users should not miss

Here is a list of the top 5 apps every iPhone user must not fail to install on his phone. They are so important that we have to recommend them personally:

Fooducate (Free)

The kind of food you eat determines how healthy or otherwise you should be. Of course, your body will not hear any excuse as to why you ate what is potentially lethal. It is therefore, important that you watch whatever is going into your body whether they are safe or not.

You may not be able to manually check everything you buy from the supermarkets or grocery stores because the human eyes sometimes skip important information as we are always in haste. We miss out important health alarms that should keep us safer. However, with an app like Fooducate, you will never miss the smallest details on the type of foods you purchase.

Fooducate enables us to scan the barcode of any food item we purchase and check their "grade." The grades for every food item is stored in the database of the app. This includes ingredients, the calories, and every other thing you would love to know about the product thereby providing you an idea of all that is contained in the product and how safe they are.

The app goes the extra mile in explaining the reason behind the grade for each product, giving you the right and detailed information that keeps you healthy.

If you want to stay healthy and spend less on hospital bills, you must install Fooducate on your iPhone and start to eat healthier foods that build your health positively.

Dropbox (Free)

In this era where the cyberspace is filled with hackers and viruses, the need to keep your vital information in a safe place becomes inevitable. Every day, thousands of information are compromised, and keeping yours in an unsafe place could make your vital information evaporate in a second if you have no proper backup for them.

For instance, did you know that over 225,000 iPhone accounts were hacked in 2015 alone? You may not have been told that your iPhone could be hacked without you even knowing it.

Having a quality cloud service where you can upload your files and share them across multiple platforms and devices like laptop, desktop, tablets, phones, etc is very important. That is exactly what the Dropbox apps do for you.

Apart from helping to keep a backup of your files in case your phone is hacked, Dropbox enables you to control who has access to your files as only those you share them with can access them.

Onavo Extend (Free)

With limited data plans so widespread nowadays, you sometimes wake up and start wondering whether your data has been stolen by someone else without your knowledge. The truth is that nobody steals your data; the data plan is so limited that it hardly serves your purpose.

You can save yourself some heartache by installing Onavo Extend on your iPhone. Just like some of the apps we've mentioned earlier, Onavo Extend is a free app that can help you conserve your data. It simply assists you in keeping track of how your data plan is used and what could be responsible for its fast depletion.

If you are always working online and need a lot of data to accomplish your job, then there's need to ensure that your plan is actually used for what is necessary and not unduly drained. With Onavo Extend, it is easy to detect the culprit that exhausts your plan in no time.

Camera+ ($1.99)

What is your iPhone if it cannot snap quality photos that you can share on social media like Instagram and Facebook? No matter what you've to say on Instagram if the quality of the photo you attach is poor, it is difficult to have people like or share such content. But with high-resolution images, your posts can easily go viral. That is one of the reasons why you need Camera+ on your iPhone.

This app comes with all the features required to snap the best-quality photos with your iPhone. Besides, it equally has features that enable you to edit your photos effortlessly. The inclusion of a stabilizer is an irresistible option that helps keep your camera still before taking the picture, making sure you don't end up with blurred images or any shakes.

If you are keen on taking photographs that everyone would easily fall in love with or love to share on social media, it's time to install this lovely app on your iPhone.


Instagram is one of the rapidly growing social media right now. It remains the best social network where you can share your updates regarding your photos and have people like and share them. As you may be aware of, Instagram is mainly a SnartPhone app; so, it is difficult to use it on your desktop if it is not installed on your iPhone.

If you love sharing your personal pictures, pictures of the environment around you or pictures of events you attend, then you need the Instagram app on your iPhone. Add one now and see how much difference it makes. Doing so is free; you don't have to pay any money to install the app.


If you want your iPhone to have an edge over its counterparts, you need to enhance its functionality with some of the best apps around. We have chosen to talk about the top 5 apps every iPhone user must have, because of the importance of these five apps. Try them out today and your iPhone will never be the same again.



This article was written by Nwangene Theodore, top isoa blogger, freelance writer, and product creator. I recently launched a new website called Home Products HQ, which will teach you all you need to keep and maintain a healthy and complete home.


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